Services and expertise

We develop solutions to cover a wide range of training requirements. These solutions are rooted in our experience from many years of working as both educators and professional musicians. Get a better understanding of our services and expertise here.

Individual Training Experiences

These courses deliver bespoke training that will be focussed on the development of an individual delegate.


Ideal for developing performance management and leadership skills as well as encouraging confidence and self belief.


These courses are tailored to your requirements and can be designed as either one, two or three day courses.


Individual Training Experiences

Reward Experiences

Every company is looking for new ideas to reward their employees.  Paradigm Music is able to provide a unique approach that will inspire and motivate your staff.


Musicianship is a skill many people wish they had pursued in early life; we can provide them with an opportunity to realise their potential whilst gaining experience of working in a world class recording studio with professional musicians.  


This will culminate in a final, recorded performance that will stand as testimony to all their hard work. 


Reward Experiences